Are You Ready?
Simulated Pack Out
Carry sand bags that equate to the same weight as a boned out elk (Men) or mule deer (Women) carcass over a pre determined course. Do it for time and compete against others or do it as a physical challenge and compete against yourself.
The PackOut Challenge tests your ability to carry a load over undulating terrain around a looped course to simulate the rigors your body will go through when packing out an actual animal.
Compete as an individual, a team, or a couple. Have fun and be encouraged and supported by the Western Hunt Fest family!
What We Measure…
As you traverse the PackOut Challenge course, H3O will be gathering data and metrics about your journey. We will collect information like: Average and maximum heart rate, average and maximum speed, lap splits, time to completion and more.
At the end of your challenge, H3O will print out your metrics with how they stack up against event averages along with recommendation on how to continue your hunt prep to maximize your success rate.
How We Can Help…
Take your hunting experience to another level with Hunt Hike Harvest’s proven strength and conditioning programs.
Professional strength coach and H3O co-founder Joel Raether, brings the first science-based hunt prep workout programs for any hunter of any ability, to the outdoor community. Whether you’re an experienced hunter, or new to the woods, H3O programs are tailored to meet your specific needs to have your best hunt!